About Us

Who are we ?

ACPF bring together African Christian Professionals from various denominations sharing the common values on Life, Family, Values-Based Education, Religious Freedom and Governance.

Our Mission

To advocate for the promotion and protection of acceptable values with the aim of building a society that upholds our Biblical values.

Our Vision

 A wholesome & productive society that upholds Biblical values.

Our Committees

ACPF works through committees and each committee has clear terms of reference. Brief overviews of the committees’ mandates are outlined below:

Life Committee

Advocating for and promoting the culture of life in Africa.

Education Committee

Promoting value-based education in Africa.

Religious Committee

Defending and promoting religious freedom in Africa and beyond.

Governance Committee

Promoting good governance, leadership and integrity in Africa.

Media Committee

Supporting and networking ACPF committees so as to profile and publicise their programs through electronic and print media. It monitors and reports destructive content appearing in the media, as well as highlighting the wholesome ones.

Welfare Committee

Advice, make comments and prpose guidelines on the welfare arrangements for the benefit of ACPF Members. It also celebrates and stands with Members in and out of season.

Our Membership

ACPF has 22 country chapters out of which the Country Coordinators has continued to spearhead the set up of ACPF these country chapters.